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Human-Centred Design
3 Key Ingredients You Need in Your Learning Design Model
Discover the three key ingredients—Human-Centred Design, UX Design, and Outcome-Driven Design—that make learning design models impactful, intuitive, and aligned with business strategy.

Human-Centred Design
Your fancy new LXP's about to get dustier than granny's display cabinet.
Drop the duster, Doris. Leave it to Solvd to get those LXPs in tip-top shape, with a generous spritz of human-centred design, promoting a sparkling culture of learning and development.

Human-Centred Design
Let's make "training needs analysis" history - for good!
We're wondering how that phrase ever took off, actually. Thankfully, human-centred design is here to save the day, helping create people-focused answers rather than prescribing more "training" ...shudder.

Human-Centred Design
Want to spice up your learning solutions? Try our secret sauce!
Sprinkle a little of Solvd's 5Di secret sauce onto your learning solutions for maximum flavour and lasting measurable impact. Caution - very hot stuff. May blow traditional training minds.
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